This macro inserts a content of a range of cells of a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet which equals the specified condition.

Name - The unique name of the field. The field name cannot contain blanks or special characters. Two fields with the same name and of the same type are treated as one.

File path - File path to the Excel file with the data content. Select a folder button to open a file from a disk.

Sheet (optional) - Name of the Excel sheet to be used.

Cell range (optional) - Specify an Excel cell range to be used, for example A1 : D50. 

Filter Column no. (optional) - Number of the Excel column to be searched on. Specify a comma delimited list to search on multiple columns. Leave this field blank to search all columns.

Equals - Specify the text or value to be used as a condition. Leave this field blank to

Return column(s) - Number of the Excel column which content is to be returned as an output. Specify a comma delimited list to return multiple columns. Leave this field blank to return all columns.

Output separator (optional) - Specify separator characters to be displayed between multiple return fields.

Output format (optional) - The macro output can be further processed by several additional macro functions. See: Output format

Select OK to insert a %TABLE_Name% macro field into the command. Double-click on the field name to open the dialog and edit the macro properties again.

In the following example, FastKeys will perform an Excel lookup to find the appropriate fields about the product name and available quantity..

The available quantity for %TABLE_Product% is %TABLE_Quantity%.

TABLE_Name field variables can also be used in the conditional statements, calculations or scripts.