sending a bunch of strings on a 'as is' basis
Posted: Jun 4th, ’23, 12:35
Hi Tom/Marko
How do you faithfully reproduce a block of text and syntaxes such as the one enclosed in {} in fastkeys, without fastkeys itself sending all sorts of error message ? As you can tell, this is the content of a FDF file, the backbone of PDF.
Say it is possible, how do you then take a step forward to use a variable within that block of text? for example, instead of 'given name' i would like to use a variable %name% which i can hardcode it at the beginning of the script like name:="Andrew Scott", or write an excel function to retrieve from an excel file.
say if this is even possible, can i even put condition logic within the field value's parenthesis? (especially for values that contains 'yes' or 'no', or 'male' or 'female'). for example if %gender% is 'male', then the corresponding field's value for female should have nothing-for ex. like '()', while then, the field value for male should be '(male)'.
Appreciate both of your time, and God Speed.
/V ()
/T (Given Name)
/V /Yes
/T (Section B CSPlus Term Option2)
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/T (Section B CSPlus Term Option1)
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How do you faithfully reproduce a block of text and syntaxes such as the one enclosed in {} in fastkeys, without fastkeys itself sending all sorts of error message ? As you can tell, this is the content of a FDF file, the backbone of PDF.
Say it is possible, how do you then take a step forward to use a variable within that block of text? for example, instead of 'given name' i would like to use a variable %name% which i can hardcode it at the beginning of the script like name:="Andrew Scott", or write an excel function to retrieve from an excel file.
say if this is even possible, can i even put condition logic within the field value's parenthesis? (especially for values that contains 'yes' or 'no', or 'male' or 'female'). for example if %gender% is 'male', then the corresponding field's value for female should have nothing-for ex. like '()', while then, the field value for male should be '(male)'.
Appreciate both of your time, and God Speed.
/V ()
/T (Given Name)
/V /Yes
/T (Section B CSPlus Term Option2)
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/T (Section B CSPlus Term Option1)
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