Double Function

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Joined: Jan 19th, ’21, 03:39

Post by diddie » Mar 22nd, ’22, 18:16

Hi there,

I have the script below for gesture, but I would like to create a script that the same button (Ctrl ) had two function.
Something like press and another fuction holding the Ctrl button. I intend to press the button to change between tabs and when I hold and move the same button will be for gesture.

I don't know how to do it, someone can help me, please?

~Ctrl:: ;gesture hotkey, i imagine most would use a mousekey for gestures,ctrl is simply an example suitable for testing as i've got radial menu running...
While GetKeyState(LTrim(A_ThisHotkey,"~")){
ToolTip % MG := GetMouseGesture()
Sleep 150
;left <= 20% of screen width, right >= 80% of screen width, top <= 20% of screen height, bottom >= 80% of screen height
MQ := SubStr(MouseQuadrant(20,80,20,80),1,1) ;take only the first letter of the quadrant,for simplified function names...
IsFunc(MG "_" MQ) ? %MG%_%MQ%() : (IsFunc(MG) ? %MG%() : "") ;example allows creation of gestures by defining functions that comprise U,D,R,L as function name,with no upper limit on the extent of the gesture,i.e UDUDUDUDL for ex.

Send ^w

D(){ ;function defined gesture example for example below
Send ^t

UDL_L(){ ;function defined gesture example for example below
MsgBox Gesture To The LEFT

UDL_R(){ ;function defined gesture example for example below
MsgBox Gesture To The Right

;returns if screen is on top,bottom,center,left,right area of screen given the defined scope in percent of each area...see example.
L | | R
E | | y
F | C E N T E R | T
T | |
;defined scopes are in 'percent',i.e left scope means anything below defined % is designated left,right scope is anything above defined %...
MouseQuadrant(leftScope,rightScope,topScope,bottomScope,coordMode:="screen"){ ;coordMode should either be 'window' or 'screen'
CoordMode, Mouse, % coordMode
MouseGetPos, mX, mY, mHwnd, mCtrl
WinGetPos, wX, wY, wW, hH, A

If (mX <= leftScope/100*(coordMode = "screen" ? A_ScreenWidth : wW) && mY >= topScope/100*(coordMode = "screen" ? A_ScreenHeight : hH) && mY <= bottomScope/100*(coordMode = "screen" ? A_ScreenHeight : hH))
Return "LEFT"
Else If (mX >= rightScope/100*(coordMode = "screen" ? A_ScreenWidth : wW) && mY >= topScope/100*(coordMode = "screen" ? A_ScreenHeight : hH) && mY <= bottomScope/100*(coordMode = "screen" ? A_ScreenHeight : hH))
Return "RIGHT"
Else If (mY <= topScope/100*(coordMode = "screen" ? A_ScreenHeight : hH))
Return "TOP"
Else If (mY >= bottomScope/100*(coordMode = "screen" ? A_ScreenHeight : hH))
Return "BOTTOM"
Return "CENTER"


GetMouseGesture(reset := false){
mousegetpos,xpos2, ypos2
,( abs(dy) >= abs(dx) ? (dy > 0 ? (track:="u") : (track:="d")) : (dx > 0 ? (track:="r") : (track:="l")) ) ;track is up or down, left or right
,abs(dy)<4 and abs(dx)<4 ? (track := "") : "" ;not tracking at all if no significant change in x or y
,track<>SubStr(gesture, 0, 1) ? (gesture := gesture . track) : "" ;ignore track if not changing since previous track
,gesture := reset ? "" : gesture
Return gesture
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